“Game is a serious thing, a person grows through it, it builds man” 🧩✨

Webinar on building homemade board games with content from the source.

The webinar will take place on Sunday 02/06/2022 at 20:30 (Israel time).

The meeting will be moderated by Noah Dothan, a group educator with extensive experience in making educational games.

Translation into Russian, English and Spanish is provided – the choice of language is possible directly in the zoom program by clicking on the globe icon at the bottom of the page. 🌏


– cardboard (you can use a box from corn flakes)
– scissors, ruler, markers, glue
A zoom link for those who signed up will be emailed prior to the meeting.
The cost of the webinar is $6. Regarding payment, you will be contacted later.

* For questions call: 972-54-722-6694

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